Montag, 13. Februar 2012

Chris Brown Once Again Shows His True Colors

Chris Brown managed to offend thousands people with just a few ignorant words this week, but it wasn’t his so-called slur that has me miffed, it’s his complete failure to apologize. This guy may be the only human being in show business who CAN’T say “there is no such thing as bad publicity.” He is a real pro at ruining his image and reputation, and then completely failing to rehabilitate it. It’s uncanny. We’ve all beaten the crap out of the Rihanna domestic violence story. Most people agree that he never really apologized, and that the only thing he really put effort into was keeping himself out of jail. Then there was the Good Morning America incident, where the singer apparently had a rage-fest, which involved throwing chairs and making threats of violence. Fast-forward a few weeks, and we have this lovely little gem of immaturity. Brown was apparently on the verge of getting a pricey parking ticket, but was able to talk his way out of it. But rather than be satisfied with that, he decided to accuse the paparazzi of setting him up by telling the parking enforcement people about his illegal parking job. In the process, he [...]

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